Dernières Recettes

Marinated chicken breasts

Marinated chicken breasts : Take the zest of a lemon in strips, immerse it for 2 minutes in boiling water then rinse it. Mix the juice...

Marinated red mullet fillets

Marinated red mullet fillets : Wash, dry, strip and chop the parsley. Brush the lemon under hot water, remove the zest then squeeze it. Chop the...

Mashed Brussels sprouts with bacon bits

Mashed Brussels sprouts with bacon bits : Remove the outer leaves of the Brussels sprouts, rinse them and cook them in salted boiling water for...

Mashed potatoes and zucchini

Mashed potatoes and zucchini : Peel the potatoes, cut them in half and put them in a large saucepan. Cover generously with cold water, salt, bring...

Mashed potatoes with broccoli

Mashed potatoes with broccoli : Wash the potatoes and put them in a pan of salted water without peeling them. Bake them for about 30 minutes....

Mashed sweet potatoes with spices and coconut milk

Mashed sweet potatoes with spices and coconut milk : Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into cubes. Put them in a saucepan and cover them with...

Monkfish rolls with pesto

Monkfish rolls with pesto : Drizzle the fish fillets with olive oil. Salt, pepper and set aside. Preheat the oven to th. 6 (180°C). Form 4 rectangles...

Morbier quiche

Morbier quiche : Slice the leek whites, then rinse them carefully under running water, in a colander, to remove all traces of soil. Melt the butter...

Munster gratin

Munster gratin : Preheat the oven to th 6 (180°C). Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Place them in a gratin dish then season with...

Noodle necklace

Noodle necklace : Rinse, dry, deseed the peppers. Cut them into small diamonds (about the same size as the pasta) and brown them for 5...

Œuf au plat

Œuf au plat : Huilez le fond d’une poêle antiadhésive et parsemez-le de sel. Faites chauffer la poêle sur feu très doux. ...

Œuf cocotte au pain perdu salé

Œuf cocotte au pain perdu salé : Préchauffez le four à th 6 (180°C). Imbibez les tranches de pain de vin rouge puis trempez-les dans...

Œuf cocotte en coque de pomme de terre à l’oseille et au saumon

Œuf cocotte en coque de pomme de terre à l'oseille et au saumon : Préchauffez le four à th 6 (180°C). Roulez-les pommes de terre...

Œuf mollet à la crème de mâche

Œuf mollet à la crème de mâche : Préchauffez le four th 6-7 (200 °C). Beurrez 4 ramequins, salez, poivrez. Nettoyez la mâche et plongez-la 1...

Œufs pochés à la tomate

Œufs pochés à la tomate : Pelez et émincez finement les oignons. Faites-les frire 20 min dans une poêle antiadhésive avec l’huile d’olive jusqu’à ce...

Œufs pochés aux artichauts

Œufs pochés aux artichauts : Détaillez les fonds d’artichauts en bâtonnets. Faites-les revenir à l’huile d’olive dans une poêle antiadhésive, salez, poivrez. Réservez au chaud....

Pan-fried chard ribs

Pan-fried chard ribs : Separate the ribs and leaves from the chard ribs. Peel the white stalk, removing the thin film that covers them on both...

Parsley mash

Parsley mash : Peel the potatoes. Cut them into big chunks. Cook them for 20 minutes in a large pan of salted water, starting their cooking...

Pease pudding

Pease pudding : Cook the split peas in a large volume of salted water with the bay leaf for 25 minutes. When they start to crumble,...

Peppered cockerels under the skin

Peppered cockerels under the skin : Salt and pepper the inside of the cockerels. Slide your fingers between the flesh and the skin and distribute...