Dernières Recettes

Millefeuille with green asparagus

Millefeuille with green asparagus : Peel the asparagus, rinse them and cut them into small sections. In a casserole dish, heat 50 g of butter, add...

Millefeuille of scallops with truffles

Millefeuille of scallops with truffles : Rinse quickly and pat the scallops dry on absorbent paper. Grate the truffles into very thin slices using a mandolin. Make...

Mini club sandwiches with smoked trout

Mini club sandwiches with smoked trout : Rinse and pat the cucumber dry. Slice it, without peeling it, into very thin slices. Spread 4 slices of...

Mini quiche of white pudding with chanterelle mushrooms

Mini quiche of white pudding with chanterelle mushrooms : Roll out the dough, cut it into 4 discs and fill 4 buttered tartlet moulds. Leave...

Mini samosas with fresh goat cheese

Mini samosas with fresh goat cheese : Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and olives. Mix with goat cheese. Pepper and reserve. Cut the pastry sheets into strips...

Mini tomato and arugula tarts

Mini tomato and arugula tarts : Peel and chop the onion and 1 clove of garlic. Brown them in 2 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil. Add the...

Mini tuna and leek quiche

Mini tuna and leek quiche : In a bowl, for the flour, the soft butter cut into pieces, the water, the pinch of salt and...

Mini verrine of foie gras with exotic fruits

Mini verrine of foie gras with exotic fruits : Prepare a chutney. Peel the mango and cut it into cubes. Peel and mince the shallots. Melt...

Mini verrines of sardines and granny smith apples

Mini verrines of sardines and granny smith apples : Remove the crust from the gingerbread slices. Cut them into small dice. Brown them in a pan...

Mirabelle plums with small mousse

Mirabelle plums with small mousse : Rinse the Mirabelle plums, remove the pits. Finely grate the zest of the orange, then squeeze it. For the juice...

Nettle soup

Nettle soup : Wash the nettles. Cut off any stems that are too thick. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Put the nettles in it to sweat...

Oatmeal soup with Provence herbs and olive oil

Oatmeal soup with Provence herbs and olive oil : We bring the water to a boil and then we add the vegetable stock cube. We wait...

Oeufs de caille cocotte à la ricotta, carotte et épinard

Oeufs de caille cocotte à la ricotta, carotte et épinard : Pelez la carotte, coupez-la en rondelles et faites cuire 5 min à la vapeur....

Œufs marinés au paprika fumé sur yaourt

Œufs marinés au paprika fumé sur yaourt : Percez la base de vos œufs à l’aide d’un perce-œuf. Plongez vos œufs dans une casserole remplie d’eau...

One pot carbonara express

One pot carbonara express : ...

Pad thaï aux crevettes

Pad thaï aux crevettes : Dans un bol, mélangez le vinaigre de riz avec la sauce soja et l’ail pressé. Préparez les nouilles de riz selon...

Part-baked durum wheat tart with curry and mustard

Part-baked durum wheat tart with curry and mustard : Mix the butter and the flour as well as the egg yolk and the curry, salt...

Pide à la viande

Pide à la viande : Pelez et émincez l’oignon et faites-le revenir dans une poêle huilée. Ajoutez le bœuf et l’agneau hachés et faites dorer....

Penne au Boursin et champignons

Penne au Boursin et champignons : Ôtez le pied des champignons, nettoyez-les et émincez-les. Faites chauffer le beurre et l’huile dans une sauteuse, ajoutez les...

Pizza millefeuille

Pizza millefeuille : Preheat the oven to th. 6-7 (200°C). Cut 12 discs of 10 cm in diameter in the pizza dough. Place them on a...