Dernières Recettes

Duck breast with orange

Duck breast with orange : With a finely sharpened knife, remove the fat from the duck breasts, leaving about 1 mm. Cut the fat from one...

Millefeuille d’été

Millefeuille d'été : Coupez le melon et la pastèque en quartiers. Eliminez les graines et la peau puis détaillez-les en tranches fines. Rincez les courgettes...

Mini-club sandwiches à la truite fumée

Mini-club sandwiches à la truite fumée : Rincez et épongez le concombre. Emincez-le, sans le peler, en tranches très fines. Tartinez 4 tranches de St-Morêt...

Mini quiche de boudin blanc aux girolles

Mini quiche de boudin blanc aux girolles : Etalez la pâte, découpez-la en 4 disques et garnissez 4 moules à tartelettes beurrés. Laissez reposer 20...

Mille-feuille de betterave et thon

Mille-feuille de betterave et thon : Préchauffez le four à th 6 (180°C). Egouttez et émiettez le thon. Salez, poivrez et mélangez-le avec le basilic ciselé. Retirez...

Mille-feuilles aux asperges vertes

Mille-feuilles aux asperges vertes : Pelez les asperges, rincez-les et coupez-les en petits tronçons. Dans une cocotte, faites chauffer 50 g de beurre, ajoutez les asperges,...

Mille-feuilles d’avocat aux crevettes

Mille-feuilles d’avocat aux crevettes : Tapissez 4 moules individuels carrés de film alimentaire en laissant dépasser de larges bords. Préparez une mayonnaise avec le jaune d’œuf,...

Duck pastilla

Duck pastilla : Bone and crumble the duck legs. Peel and slice the shallots, confit them for 10 minutes in the duck fat over low heat,...

Puy lentil tartare

Puy lentil tartare : The night before, soak the lentils in plenty of water. The same day, cook them for 20 minutes in a large pot...

Zucchini risotto Thermomix

Zucchini risotto Thermomix : Blend the shallot for 8 seconds at speed 5 in the bowl of your Thermomix. Add 20 g of olive oil and...

Duck confit with two apples

Duck confit with two apples : Salt the duck pieces on all sides. Chill them and let them rest for 24 hours. The next day, put...

Pumpkin gratin with tuna

Pumpkin gratin with tuna : Peel the pumpkin and cut it into cubes. Heat the oil in a fry pan and sweat the peeled and minced...

Eggplant Quiche

Eggplant Quiche : Preheat your oven to 150°C (th. 3). Wash the eggplant and cut the ends then detail it into thin slices. Cut the mozzarella...

Turkey tagine with prunes

Turkey tagine with prunes : Cut the turkey meat into large cubes. Peel and mince the ginger, onion and garlic. Soak the prunes in a bowl...

Risotto with champagne and langoustines

Risotto with champagne and langoustines : In a casserole dish, melt the Elle & Vire soft Condé-sur-Vire butter. Brown the garlic and onion. Add the rice...

Blanquette of scallops

Blanquette of scallops : Open the scallops, shell them. Collect the beards. Rinse them in several waters. Roughly chop them. Remove the small muscle on the...

Salmon-Shrimp Quiche

Salmon-Shrimp Quiche : Steam the salmon for 10 minutes then crumble it. Shell the prawns. Preheat the oven to 180°C (th.6). Roll out the dough and line a...

Very easy baked chicken

Very easy baked chicken : Place the chicken in a baking dish. Peel the onion and cut it into wedges. Peel the garlic cloves. Wrap the chicken...

Steamed salmon with hollandaise sauce

Steamed salmon with hollandaise sauce : Quickly rinse the salmon fillets. Sponge them, salt them and pepper them. Wash the leek several times. Chop it up. Peel the...

Beef burger with foie gras

Beef burger with foie gras : Peel and mince the shallots, sauté them in the butter in a pan. Let them simmer over low heat. Heat 1...