Dernières Recettes

Gratin poire – chocolat – amandes effilées

Gratin poire - chocolat - amandes effilées : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Épluchez, épépinez et coupez en petits morceaux vos poires. Passez-les dans un...

Grilled lobster

Grilled lobster : Heat a pot or large saucepan filled with water, then plunge the lobsters into it for 2 minutes. Place them on a cutting...

Grilled lobster with tarragon butter

Grilled lobster with tarragon butter : Preheat the oven grill to th.7 (200°C). Meanwhile, bring a large saucepan (or pot) of water to a boil. Immerse the...

Ground Turkey Meatballs

Ground Turkey Meatballs : Peel the carrots and cut them into thin strips. In a pot of boiling water, cook them until you can stick your...

Guinea fowl fillet

Guinea fowl fillet : Peel and finely chop the garlic clove. Wash and chop the parsley. Melt the butter to soften it and place it in...

Guinea fowl stuffed with chanterelles in the oven

Guinea fowl stuffed with chanterelles in the oven : Peel and mince the shallots. In a pan, sweat the shallots in 20 g of butter. Clean...

Guinea fowl with Brussels sprouts

Guinea fowl with Brussels sprouts : Peel the garlic cloves, wash the thyme and bay leaf, set aside. In a pot, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoon olive...

Guinea fowl with cream

Guinea fowl with cream : Start by preheating the oven to th.7 (210°C). Cut the guinea fowl into pieces if you haven't already. Slice the shallots and...

Guinea fowl with Maroilles sauce

Guinea fowl with Maroilles sauce : In a pot of boiling water, blanch the smoked breast for 1 min. Book. Do the same with the cabbage...

Ham and cheese omelet by Cyril Lignac

Ham and cheese omelet by Cyril Lignac : In a bowl, break the eggs, pour the water, beat with a fork. Season with salt and pepper....

Hamburger forestier

Hamburger forestier : Nettoyez les champignons, coupez les plus gros en morceaux. Faites-les revenir 5 min à la poêle dans 1 cuil. à soupe d’huile...

Haricots blancs aux tomates séchées

Haricots blancs aux tomates séchées : Faites tremper les haricots une nuit dans l’eau froide, égouttez-les. Faites revenir les haricots 3 min dans l’huile d’olive. ...

Italian turkey cutlet

Italian turkey cutlet : Pour a drizzle of olive oil in a frying pan and brown the cutlets. Once cooked, place them in a casserole dish. Wash...

Lacquered cockerel & roasted squash

Lacquered cockerel & roasted squash : Preheat the oven to 180°C. Wash the vegetables and pat them dry. Cut the squash, squash and butternut squash...

Light scallops

Light scallops : Place the scallops in a bowl and cover them with milk. Peel, degerm and finely chop the garlic. Heat an oiled skillet over...

Light turkey stew

Light turkey stew : Half fill a pot with water and add the meat. Cut the onion in 4, cut the celery into pieces and peel...

Lobster in court-bouillon

Lobster in court-bouillon : Peel and cut the onion in 4. Wash, peel and cut the carrots into rings. Wash and tie the bunch of...

Lobster pasta

Lobster pasta : Prepare a tomato sauce: peel the garlic and onion, chop them. In a skillet over low heat, sauté the garlic and onion in...

Lobster tail with white butter sauce

Lobster tail with white butter sauce : Preheat the oven to th. (180°C). Cut the lobster in half lengthwise starting with the head. Place them in...

Lobster with cream

Lobster with cream : In a saucepan, melt 40 g of butter. Add the flour, mix, and pour in the milk. Stir while letting the mixture...