Dernières Recettes

Quiche sans pâte au poireau

Quiche sans pâte au poireau : Lavez les poireaux et retirez les pieds. Pelez l'oignon. Emincez les légumes. Dans une sauteuse anti-adhésive, faites fondre le beurre....

Cuissot de sanglier

Cuissot de sanglier : Préchauffez le four à 180°C (th.6). Pelez et émincez les oignons et les gousses d’ail. Épluchez les carottes, rincez-les et coupez-les...

Ballottine de faisan, farce au foie gras

Ballottine de faisan, farce au foie gras : Émiettez le pain de mie de la veille et faites-le tremper dans le lait. Pelez et hachez...

Tourte de Noël végétarienne

Tourte de Noël végétarienne : Nettoyez les champignons. Pelez et émincez l’échalote. Faites chauffer le beurre et l’huile dans une sauteuse et faites suer l'échalote....

Tajine de poulet aux citrons confits et pruneaux

Tajine de poulet aux citrons confits et pruneaux : Épluchez et émincez l’oignon et l’ail. Rincez la courgette et coupez-les en rondelles épaisses. Épluchez les...

Gratin d’andouillettes

Gratin d'andouillettes : Pelez et émincez l’oignon et faites le suer dans une poêle chaude huilée. Épluchez les pommes de terre, rincez-les et coupez-les en...

Poached pear, lime sorbet

Poached pear, lime sorbet : Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil with the sugar. Off the heat, infuse the split vanilla pods. Peel the pears,...

Mirabelle tartlet

Mirabelle tartlet : Preheat the oven th.6-7 (200°C). Wash and pit the Mirabelle plums. Sprinkle them with lemon juice. In a frying pan, melt 20 g...

Nun’s farts

Nun's farts : Boil the water, milk, butter, salt, sugar and flavoring of your choice. Remove from the heat, add the flour, return to the heat...

Normandy Pie

Normandy Pie : Make the pie dough. In a bowl, mix the melted butter with the sugar until the mixture whitens. Add the whole egg and...

Lorraine rhubarb meringue tart

Lorraine rhubarb meringue tart : Make the pie dough by mixing the melted butter with the sugar until the mixture whitens slightly. Add the whole egg...

Strawberry tiramisu

Strawberry tiramisu : Rinse the strawberries, hull them and drain them. Mix 400 g with 40 g of sugar and the lemon juice. Pass through a...

Baked apples

Baked apples : Preheat the oven to th. 6 (180°C). Wash and dry the apples. Remove the seeds using an apple corer. Arrange the apples in a...

Banana porridge

Banana porridge : In a small saucepan, combine oats and milk. Cook over low heat for 7 to 8 minutes. Remove from the heat and cover so...

Pear apple compote

Pear apple compote : Peel, core and roughly dice the apples and pear. Mix in a saucepan and sprinkle with lemon juice. Split the vanilla pod in...

Poffertjes (mini Dutch pancakes)

Poffertjes (mini Dutch pancakes) : Melt the butter in the milk in the microwave for about 1 minute 30. Pour a little lukewarm milk into a...

Mille-feuille of pancakes with lemon

Mille-feuille of pancakes with lemon : Prepare your pancake batter, let it rest for 1 hour and make six pancakes. Put the gelatin to soften in...

Strawberry marmelade

Strawberry marmelade : Rinse the strawberries, pat them dry and cut them in half. Put them in a terrine. Dust them with icing sugar and drizzle...

Multicolored Popsicles

Multicolored Popsicles : Mix the strawberry syrup with 10 cl of cold water. Pour into 8 popsicle molds placed in their holder. Freeze for 1 hour...

Financiers with walnut oil and crunchy apples

Financiers with walnut oil and crunchy apples : Preheat the oven to th. 7 (210°C). Brown the walnut kernels in a nonstick skillet. Let cool. Chop...